Saturday 3 December 2011

Self titled: Idiots Jump into Dangerous Imja Lake

Following what I have just posted about the risks an outburst can have on communities in the valleys below these lakes, I was disgusted to find this video on Youtube of people trying to cause the next outburst at Imja Lake by jumping into the lake. I could accept it if the people were unaware of what they were doing, but I cannot excuse this as they state in their video that they want to cause a GLOF! Imja lake is one of the four lakes classified in Nepal as being highly likely to have an outburst in next few years. I can understand that it might sound like a good story to tell to you friends down the pub in the evening, but just imagine what would have happened if they had caused an outburst. I was even more horrified to find that this was not a one-off event, but it is a global phenomena. Well call me a spoil sport but in my opinion this activity should be stopped, or at least if they have to continue doing it, jump into lakes that are not at risk of breaching and causing long-term devastation to the communities below.


  1. You are not spoil sport! They are retarded...

    1) they do not care about the environment they are potentially contaminating with their smelly feet.

    2) like you've said, they are trying to cause a GLOF.

    3) why would you intentionally fall/submerse yourself slowly into very cold water?

    4) they are retarded.

    5) they should have stayed in there longer... much longer.

    Other than that thanks so much for the great posts!!!

  2. Hey,
    Thanks for the comment its nice to know that people are actually reading my posts.

    I'm not quite sure the word 'retarded' it the politically correct term to use but I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels that this is a selfish activity. I'm not quite sure why people would want to jump in freezing cold water, I'm more a slippers and cup of tea in front of the fire kind of person myself.

    Thanks again for the comment,
